In Which Time For Weekend Links As All the Alcohol Is Not Sitting Well And All Drugs Wore Off All The Pills Have Stopped

Kate Nash

Tremendous Kate Nash album leak. We are also told the new Rilo Kiley is off the hook; we plan on forcing Molly to review it at gunpoint.

Some people ask me, why do you read Gilbert Arenas’ blog? The easy answer–his comments on the KG trade:

The rest of us in the Eastern Conference got to get on our grind now.

Gilbert, I do not know what that means and I don’t care to find out.

Also this:

Puffy and Ashanti made careers out of stealing other people’s beats. This is America, the land of the reused.

If you think about it, nothing is original. Every joke has been retold at some point. What I did was recycle a new joke instead of waiting for it to get old. It was too funny not too. I mean, at least I picked a good joke, right? It’s not like it was some lame, “Yo momma” joke.

Let’s not forget, “Hibachi” was stolen too. Brendan Haywood used to say it before me. But I recognize good stuff and make it popular. Now “Hibachi” is patented by Agent Zero, son.

I’m not a thief, I just reused it.

Know who is a thief? The guy that is trying to sell the domain name of to me. It’s my name! I have to buy it back from him. Now that’s stealing, borrowing, whatever you want to call it.

Yes Gilbert, we shall call it “borrowing.”

In other news:

The memorable quotes page for AD over at IMDB never gets old for me. Please post your favorites in the comments section. This one made me crack up today:

Michael: What do you think of when you hear the name, “Sudden Valley”?
George Michael Bluth: Salad dressing. But I don’t really want to eat it.
Michael: What about, “Paradise Gardens”?
George Michael Bluth: Yeah… I can see myself marinating a chicken in that…

“This Is Not A Love Song” — Nouvelle Vague (mp3)

A longtime writer for the Oakland Tribune was shot to death.

Some more Blitzen Trapper.

“Master Fade” — Andrew Bird (mp3)

Good advice from Mom about how to sell books.

Now that the E train is my train, it’s good to know there’s a vineyard nearby.

New York magazine’s been doing some fun stuff lately, I’m sorry for all the negative things I said. For example, this is great:

But if you talk to people in the private-equity business, they’re not so fatalistic about the historical trend lines. In fact, they’re even more inclined to scapegoat. For them, it’s personal. When I called a private-equity guy I know, he instantly snarled, “It’s all Steve.” In other words, he blames the current anti-private-equity spasm not on whiny anti-business liberals, but on Steve Schwarzman, the chairman, CEO, and co-founder of Blackstone. With Blackstone’s IPO a month ago, Schwarzman’s wealth ballooned to at least $10 billion, meaning he’s now one of the very richest New Yorkers, richer than Rupert Murdoch, Ron Perelman, and Michael Bloomberg—maybe the richest of all.

“If my world is pissed off at anyone,” says my friend, “it’s Steve. The fucking birthday party”—which he attended in February along with hundreds of other Schwarzman associates—“where no one gave a toast, by the way, not one.” The new head of the National Venture Capital Association went on the record last month about Schwarzmania: “We’re where we are right now because of the unbelievable egos of guys running the private-equity firms like Blackstone. They put big targets on their backs by what I consider stupid actions like throwing these big parties.”

That’s all finance is apparently–huge parties.

You’re more likely to OD on cocaine on hot days.

Carla Harryman’s new book looks goooood.

“Oh Paul” — Palace Brothers (mp3)

What we have heard from Eskimo Joe so far is tremendous. (Filter)

If you don’t check out, you’re pretty much wasting your life.

50 Cent plus JT? Why not just throw Madonna in there so you can have the three people in the world whose music I am most embarrassed to like?

We are down with the Coconut Monkeyrocket. (Comfort Music)

Max on Best Night Ever. (Max Silvestri Wants This Inside You)

I wonder how many solo acts will eventually emerge from The Polyphonic Spree. OK, I am done wondering that.

Breaking down the great Summer Festival Showdown. (Idolator)

The new Explosive magazine looks dope.

The Julian makes us blush, actually to be more accurate he makes Molly blush which matches her hair. I cannot blush anymore I am just that tan now.

George Steinbrenner is not doing so well.

A crazy and sad story from the Daily News.

Song, By Toad has a podcast.

John Edwards is a moron. (Mother Jones)

Classic Duke post on female artists not named Feist, although kinda who needs them?

Sports hotties you don’t know about.

The new David Wain movie is coming out, prompting everyone to say, “Ohhhh that’s what Gretchen Mol is doing.”

Rent control for artists? (Armavirumque)

A dove singing outside a window.

Pet portraits. (Stephen Vincent)

Review of Zach Schomburg’s last book.

“I See A Darkness” — Johnny Cash (mp3)

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