In Which We Are Not Feeling Fierce

Is that the Cloverfield monster? I was sure hoping it would eat tiny Christian there.

Avant Garde

by Tyler Coates

Project Runway Week Eight

Last night’s episode was a fun one because the designers got to come up with avant-garde designs (in addition to something that was ready-to-wear), which meant that we’d get to see some kooky shit that wasn’t made out of trash. And finally, Chris got to show off his skillz by clumping together forty-five yards of fabric!

Christian is now my inspiration to NO LONGER SAY “FIERCE.” But, as much as I hate him, I know nothing will stop that little rat from getting into the top three. He’s talented enough, and makes the right choices, like when he took over as team leader last night, which earned him immunity from the next elimination.

I was worried that Jillian would be eliminated, since she was pretty dramatic about her poor time management. It was rather obnoxious, though, because I am getting tired of her bitching.

And is it just me, or does Jillian seem to take her style cues from The Lizzies?

If you don’t know who The Lizzies are, then you must go rent The Warriors. Right now.

And, to make another reference to pop-culture icons, please take a look at Victorya and Jillian’s model:

What would you get if you added a black wig? Well:

Sweet P and Rami were in the bottom two because they just couldn’t handle working together. I blame Rami on this one. And let me tell you one thing: the next bastard who makes Sweet P cry should be kicked off. She is a goddamn delight – I don’t care if her designs are rather mediocre. She’s one of my favorite contestants this season.

But, their designs were… eh.

This is what I’ve come to expect from this season. We’re either going to get something one might dress their baby in, or something with braided fabric heaped all over a model. Who will always be wearing dresses over pants.

Finally, there were Kit and Ricky.

“World Town” – M.I.A. (mp3)

Kit never did anything for me; she never could live up to her spunky name (last name: Pistol). Ricky managed to make it through the episode without crying, but I think that’s because he thought their designs were awesome.

They were not. The Italian judge, whom I did not know, said that the avant-garde dress looked like “a cheap Scarlet O’Hara,” although I think it looks more like a wedding cake. The second dress is just boring, which, of course, was all Ricky. The thing that bothered me was that Kit had to go just because she was the team leader, yet she is much more talented than Ricky, whom I’m convinced is on the verge of breaking into a selection from West Side Story.

Tyler Coates is the senior contributor to This Recording. He lives in Chicago.


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